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Nominating for the Position of:
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I have read and understood Section 5 of the FMG Constitution as laid out below:*

5.       Management

5.1          Management of the Group will be vested in an Executive Committee of not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty-six (26) Executive Committee Members including the Office Bearers of the Group, who will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

5.2          Only one (1) Executive Committee Member may be appointed to the committee per individual Council.

5.3          An Executive Committee Member must be an employee of a South Australian Council at the time of nomination. If an Executive Committee Member ceases to be an employee of a South Australian Council during their term, they must seek leave of the Executive Committee to continue to hold office.

5.4          The Office Bearers of the Group will be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who will be elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting prior to the election of the remainder of the Executive Committee Members.

5.5          The Office Bearers will have at least twelve (12) months standing as a Member of the Executive Committee and Executive Committee Members must have been a Member of the Group for at least twelve (12) months.

5.6          The Executive Committee will meet as often as may be required to conduct the business of the Group but not less than four (4) times in each calendar year.

5.7          An Executive Committee Member should make every effort to appoint a proxy for the Executive Committee and any Project Workgroups they are participating in. A proxy must be a financial Member of the Group. A member of the Executive Committee cannot be appointed as proxy for another Executive Committee Member as each Executive Committee Member holds one (1) vote.

5.8          The quorum of an Executive Committee will be half the number of Executive Committee Members plus one (1).

5.9          The President or any three (3) other Members of the Executive Committee will have power to call a meeting of the Executive Committee. Notice of meetings will be given at the previous Executive Committee Meeting or by seven (7) days written notice distributed to all Executive Committee Members, or in an emergency, by such other notice as will be ratified by the Executive Committee.

5.10       An Office Bearer or Member of the Executive Committee will cease to hold such Office upon:

5.10.1      Resignation in writing.

5.10.2      Expulsion as a member of the Group.

5.10.3      Absence for three (3) successive Executive Committee Meetings without sending a Proxy or an explanation acceptable to the Executive Committee.

5.10.4      Death. 

5.10.5      Becoming ineligible for membership.

5.10.6      Being so mentally or physically incapacitated as to be unable to carry out official duties satisfactorily.

5.10.7      Being convicted of an indictable offence.

5.10.8      Removal of such Office Bearer or Member of the Executive Committee upon a resolution being passed by the members of the Group at a General Meeting removing such Office Bearer or Members of the Executive Committee.

5.11        Vacancies unfilled or arising in the Office Bearers or other Executive Committee Members may be filled by the Executive Committee by co-opting Members for the unexpired period of the term.

5.12       The Executive Committee may function validly notwithstanding any vacancies so long as its number is not reduced below the quorum.

5.13       The Executive Committee will have the power to appoint such Officers and employees or establish such sub-committees/workgroups as are required to carry out the objectives of the Group and may delegate any of its powers to such Officers, employees and sub-committees/workgroups, provided that those Officers, employees and sub-committees/workgroups will meet as they see fit or as directed by the Executive Committee and will report to the Executive Committee on a regular basis.

5.14       Executive Committee Members are required to be active Members on at least one sub-committee/workgroup. Members of workgroups will be strictly Local Government employees. Guests can be invited by the Chairperson of the workgroup on an as needs basis.

5.15       All Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members will assume office on the day following the Annual General Meeting at which they were elected and hold office until the next occurring Annual General Meeting, at which time they will be eligible for re-election to the Executive Committee.

5.16       When an Office Bearer or Member of the Executive Committee may directly or indirectly benefit from a resolution or decision of the Executive Committee then he/she must declare an interest in that item and remove himself/herself from the room where the Executive Committee meeting is being convened for the duration of that item.

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